Highlands Elementary School
Developing the whole child through a learning environment that reaches and extends beyond the classroom walls.
Highlands Elementary School is located in the Dothan City school system and houses grades K-6. Highlands Elementary has an enrollment of 561 students for the 2021-2022 school year.
School Contact Information:
Highlands Elementary School
1400 South Brannon Stand Road
Dothan, Alabama 36305
(334) 794.1459 office
(334) 671.8163 fax
Principal: Beth Bouchard
Website: Highlands Elementary
Highlands Elementary Partner:

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Bright Key® Resource Coordinator
Jessica Steltenpohl
(334) 794.1459
Bright Key® Highlands Lead Team:
- Parent Morgan Ellis
- Parent Scott Lucas
- Parent Trip Whatley
- Parent Sandi Wakefiled
- Parent Haley Smith
- Teacher Lindsey Kelley
- Teacher Britt Spitler
- Teacher Alicia Martin
- Teacher Erin Woodham
- Teacher & Parent Tara Harris
- Assistant Principal Lauren Buchanan
- Principal Beth Bouchard